Fatima and the First Saturdays Study Groups
Understand the meaning of the First Saturdays in the context of the Fatima Message in a way you have never done before.
13 weeks | via Zoom | Start dates every January, May and September
Registration deadline for the Fatima and the First Saturdays Study Groups:
January 7th, 2025
00 Days
00 Hours
00 Minutes
00 Seconds
Special note for Spanish registration | Nota especial para registros en español
Please click on the red arrow to display the information.
3 times a year starting in January, May and September.
Online, via Zoom.
Please get the "Fatima and the First Saturdays" 3rd Revised Edition book via Amazon or our website. Make sure to get the paperback version!
13 weeks, 1 hour per week.
$25 USD. Pay options: Card or Paypal. The registration fee is to help cover costs of running the study group. This is a great help to spreading reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. You will need to purchase the book separately. Please see below.
About the Book:
The Fatima and the First Saturdays book quotes passages in Sister Lucia's own words and then presents important and insightful commentary. You will see how all of the information below points to the First Saturdays Devotion as the solution to the world's problems, the problems of those we love, and our own problems.
The study group covers:
- The apparitions of the Angel of Peace.
- Our Lady's six appearances at Fatima.
- The three important appearances after Fatima.
- Additional crucial information found in Sister Lucia's letters and locutions up to 1945.
- Additional information up to the present time.
Because you will need to reference page numbers, please make sure to get the paperback version of the 3rd Revised Edition through Amazon or our website here.
Our Apostolate
The Communal First Saturdays Apostolate's Communal First Saturdays® is the 1st canonically approved public First Saturdays Devotion accompanying the Liturgy with a standardized text in various languages.
Choose an English Study Group
Please select a time from the links below that best fits your schedule:
Sunday 11am PT/ 1pm CT/ 2pm ET/ 7pm UK-Irish Time
Monday 11am PT/ 1pm CT/ 2pm ET/ 7pm UK-Irish Time
Tuesday 11am PT/ 1pm CT/ 2pm ET
Tuesday 5pm PT/ 7pm CT/ 8pm ET
Wednesday 11am PT/ 1pm CT/ 2pm ET/ 7pm UK-Irish Time
Wednesday 5pm PT/ 7pm CT/ 8pm ET
Thursday 11am PT/ 1pm CT/ 2pm ET
Thursday 5pm PT/ 7pm CT/ 8pm ET
Thursday 8pm PT/ 10pm CT/ 11pm ET
After registering, you should receive 1) your receipt, 2) a Welcome email, and 3) an Enrollment email. If you don't, make sure to check your spam or any other folder.
Important note: When you register, you will be asked for your phone number. Please consider this, since we also send text group reminders with links to join.
Many Catholics like you have participated in these Study Groups and they loved it. The following testimonials show why they recommend them and how they helped them strengthen their faith and love for Our Lord and Our Lady.
Antonia Moffat, UK
A really brilliant book… Really situates the First Saturdays at the core of the Message of Our Lady of Fatima and explains it in a way that is very readable and understandable by all of us.
Mary Thierfelder, NC Parishioner, wife, and mother of 10
This profound yet easy and enjoyable 13 week zoom study group will inspire you to live the First Saturdays Fatima devotion for the rest of your life! Highly recommend.
Kiley Ghaddar TX , Homeschool mom of 5
The Fatima and First Saturdays Study Groups helped me to grow even closer to Our Lord through Our Lady. The study is packed with information about Fatima that I had never heard or realized before, and I have been practicing the First Saturdays for years! I highly recommend the Fatima and First Saturdays Group Study to anyone wanting to deepen their faith in our Eucharistic Lord!
Ford Culbertson, IL, Communal First Saturdays Apostolate Member
This book is the best Fatima book ever! The Fatima and the First Saturdays Group just completely opens up everyone’s mind to what happened at Fatima.
Dana Terrone, TX, Realtor and mama of a 5 month old girl
I participated in this study during my pregnancy and I couldn't believe the blessings that I experienced through those 13 weeks. I was called to step up and facilitate the study this spring/summer, and I have been blessed with a wonderful group and keep continuing to learn about this important message from Our Lady. I am excited to lead and share this message. This study is a MUST participate! It will change your life, deepen your faith and confidence in the Catholic Church and reinforce your love for Our Lady, whom we owe our life to.
Leslie Sylvester
I've wanted to participate in a CFSD for a long time, since my mother shared the message of Fatima when I was a child. Since that time, she taught me to add 1 of the requested prayers Our Lady gave to the 3 children at Fatima, to my daily rosary, but I never knew there were 4 others to add. Also, I never knew how to go about doing the First Saturdays Devotion until I read about the online study groups in our church bulletin.
I thought I was well educated on The Fatima message, but was in awe when I began this study group. I became aware of how much more there was to learn!
Most importantly, I learned of the dire need to spread this devotion as widely and quickly as possible! Our world will never know peace until this devotion is practiced worldwide! The great chastisement is imminent, unless we spread this devotion and enough people practice it! This is my new passion in life!
Our group leaders are so knowledgeable regarding The Communal First Saturdays Devotion, and so devoted to educating others. I am so grateful that our church shares this info in our weekly bulletin and to all who make this study and devotion possible!
Rebecca Leon
After visiting the apparitions site in Portugal a few years ago I was always interested in finding more about what I learned there. Taking the Study Groups and Co-Leading has been a wonderful experience that I recommend to others.
Contact Information
For more information, send us an email or give us a call:
Phone: (+1) 832 839 1019 (Only phone calls, no texts)
WhatsApp: (+52) 662 337 2725
Please consider the following: The minimum number of participants for each study group is 7 people, and the maximum number is 15. If for some reason the group you chose doesn't meet the minimum requirement, we may cancel that particular group and contact you to offer other available days and times.